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Of tomatoes and salads


Of tomatoes and salads

Would you like some freshly harvested fruit, crunchy vegetables and herbs from the capital? No problem, because the Kirsch family has been growing a variety of crops for five generations now. We visited the Lëtzebuerger Geméis farm and learned a lot about tomatoes, beneficial insects and soil varieties. The wide range of varieties is available on the market as well as on Letzshop.

Please introduce yourself

My name is Claude Kirsch and I am a gardener by profession. Our family business has been growing fruit, vegetables and herbs in the capital under the name Lëtzebuerger Geméis for five generations.

Tell us more about your passion

I love my job because every day a new challenge awaits me in terms of crops.

What is important to you in terms of cultivation?

Protecting the environment and working with nature is our first priority, because it is the only way we have been able to grow vegetables in the same place for five generations according to the strict guidelines of integrated cultivation. Furthermore, we work with a large water catchment basin to irrigate our crops and with beneficial insects that protect our crops from pest infestation.

Discover the family business Lëtzebuerger Geméis

You grow a large variety of kitchen herbs.

That’s right, there are about 50 different varieties at the moment. The number changes all the time, because we are always revising our assortment. If some varieties don’t sell, they are replaced by new ones.

You sell your produce twice a week at the market in the capital.

Exactly. On Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 7 am to 1 pm at the Knuedler (place Guillaume II) but also on Wednesday afternoons from 4 pm to 7 pm at our farm (rue des Sept Arpents) and of course on Letzshop.

Your best seller?

This is difficult to say, as we offer a very wide range of vegetables. It depends on the weather. When it’s colder we tend to sell aubergines, courgettes, peppers, beans and in warmer weather our 25 varieties of lettuce and our 15 varieties of tomatoes sell out fast.

Your favourite vegetable?

All sorts of tomatoes.

Your favourite culinary herb?

French tarragon and pineapple sage.

Claude Kirsch presents Lëtzebuerger Geméis

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