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Between photography and colour


Between photography and colour

The artist Sophia Rein uses not only a brush but also her camera to express herself through her art. We met her in a pop-up store in the city centre to discover her works, which are of course also available on Letzshop.

Please introduce yourself

My name is Sophia Rein and I was born in Paris. I have lived and worked in Luxembourg since 2006. Even as a child, I felt the need to draw and paint to create my own universe. Coming from a family of painters and photographers, art always accompanied me! I studied Political Science and Law, then I became a lawyer and communication manager in an auditing firm. Art never left me, remaining a kind of parallel life, until I decided to change my life completely to join the world I was dreaming of.

Describe your art

My art is an escape, which allows me to transform, through my photo-paintings, the world in my own way, to embellish it, to make it more colourful, to create a bridge between reality (the photo) and an imaginary world in which everyone can dive to recharge their batteries.

Photography or painting? Which do you prefer?

Both are essential to each other to create the balance I am looking for and to create the necessary contrast to enhance each other.


Discover the works of Sophia Rein

What is your favourite technique?

The contrast technique. I have always loved the collage technique, to create contrasting effects between different mediums and materials. I also created some art with neon tubes, to study this contrast with artificial light and luminous colour. Today, I get this contrast by confronting photography with painting.

What inspires you?

Cubism, Art Deco (just to mention these two movements), big cities and their urban life (terraces, crowds, lights, shops…), architecture, fashion, design, fabrics, Moorish culture, bohemian culture and style… in a way, everything and everyone I meet has an influence on my work.

What is your favourite project?

Through a project with Canon Europe in 2021, I discovered XXL printing in the world of interior design. Thanks to this project, I created three photo murals in the interior of a flat in a listed building. To invest the living space of someone who trusts you with their art in such dimensions is a challenge and a huge privilege!

Sophia Rein presents her art

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