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The art of brewing beer


The art of brewing beer

Sascha Berlo founded the ‘Hinkelsbaacher Brauerei’ in 2020 in Fouhren, a small village located along the ‘Hinkelsbaach’, thus bringing three beer varieties to the Luxembourg market. If you fancy a tasting, why not order the beer on Letzshop?

Introduce yourself briefly

My name is Sascha Berlo and I founded the Hinkelsbaacher Brewery in 2020. I started brewing beer in a cooking pot at home as a hobby. Then I switched to a 50-litre system and today there is a 200-litre brewing plant in my cellar.

Why the name ‘Hinkelsbaacher Béier’?

The ‘Hinkelsbaach’ is the stream that flows along the village of Fouhren, where the ‘Hinkelsbaacher’ beer is brewed.

You currently produce three types of beer.
Your personal favourite?

Yes, exactly. I currently brew three types of beer: a lager, which is a bottom-fermented beer, the ‘Wäissen’ and the ‘Midlife Crisis’, which is a dark top-fermented beer.

My favourite beer is the ‘Wäissen’.

Which dishes do your beers go best with?

The ‘Wäissen’ goes well with fish. And for the ‘Midlife Crisis’, I would recommend some cheese.


Die Hinkelsbaacher Brauerei stellt sich vor.

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